Life has always been an adventure in terms of finding it’s purpose. What are we here for ?? To make a living, to have a status, to earn-spend-pay bills, to help one another and be kind??. Too many options!!! Time is lost in understanding where to draw the line between selfless and self focussed.

Stephen Covey rightly says – ‘The key to life is not accumulation, it is about contribution’. Have you ever had thoughts of how by sharing your talent, your art, your love, your kindness you could make a difference to someone’s life, even if it meant bringing a smile onto one’s face??. The impact your efforts or your behaviour could do to someone’s life is magical. Has your talent, education, nature done any good in making someone really look upto you or get inspired by you??. Your degrees, your certificates, your prizes, your art and talent – how have these done good to you or they just lie in your cupboard for years catching dust?.

Think it over, while I share with you the contributions of some real life heroes.

My sister in law is really good at art and craft. The time I first met her like 10 years back, I got to know she loved art, painting and she was good at handicrafts etc. Cut straight to 10 years later of her marriage – she now has a small room for her paintings and art. Here is where she sketches, she takes classes for those who want to learn, does her canvas paintings, soap making, sets up summer camps for learning etc. This room also has an additional hall made into a mini Library which she has named as ‘Joy book club’ – this library has books for children in majority compared to the ones for adu


he got the idea of setting up a library for her apartment kids, post her Boston visit. In America, there are many children’s libraries for the best use of their time to gain access to knowledge and grow. But in India that’s very rare. No wonder the kids these days are attracted to video games, mobile games and less active in reading books or going for outdoor games. She currently has over 40 kids visiting her library :).

This could be one way of utilising your time, putting your talent to use etc. Another story of inspiration is more on spreading joys with the less privileged. A friend of mine shared a story of how his friend, a stock market broker working in Patna, spends his free time in government schools with kids, teaching them, sharing gifts, playing with them and spending quality time with these kids. The photos I came across his Facebook page are very joyous and full of selflessness.

Contribution to society could be in any form – individual or as a group, by sharing your knowledge, art and talent or by just spreading smiles in your own little ways. This joy of sharing is unmatched and truly the best. Making a difference in even one life can turn out to be the most happiest moment or achievement in your life.

You can definitely try it!!

Remember, every small act of kindness no matter how small, has a ripple effect.

Hope you have come across thoughts of utilising or spreading joys in your own little ways to make this world a better place :).

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0 replies on “Santas of society :)”

  • Gaurav Jain
    August 29, 2018 at 5:06 pm

    Such a nice positive blog with a different perspective..
    So true contribution need not be monetary always… There are so many different ways to contribute..

    Very well written that makes the impact n forces one to think really how he can contribute!!

    • August 29, 2018 at 5:59 pm

      Thank you so much Gaurav :). Your feedback means so much to me :). True contribution could be in any manner not just monetary :). I’m so glad I could make a small impact with my stories 🙂

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