In India, a lot has been developing in terms of economy and growth aspects. Inflation and petrol prices are rising along the lines of a rise in road accidents – thanks to many factors like bad roads, rash driving, non adherence to traffic rules etc. Analysis shows that the distribution of road accidental deaths and injuries in India varies according to age, gender, month and time. Age group 30-59 years is the most vulnerable population group, though males face higher level of fatalities and injuries than their female counterparts. Moreover, road accidents are relatively higher in extreme weather and during working hours.

Personally I have witnessed a couple of road accidents and also been a part of two (due to mistakes of the other party, as my cautious approach did not work even then) , it has definitely taught me lessons everytime I have witnessed or been a part of it.

While I was riding my bike on a not so busy road, I did not expect what was coming – in seconds I was on the road on one side with my bike on the other – all thanks to the swiftness with which the guy who had his car parked on the left swung open the door without any signs of caution. For that minute I was clueless of how I landed on the road and my favourite red bike opposite me fallen like me. I hit my head badly in this process and was also shivering. My next thoughts were how do I get home – what really helped me calm down was the nature of the people around me. I remember there was an auto driver, some passersby who helped me stand , took my bike parked it aside handed me the key and also took me to the nearest hospital. My mother was also called. All this happened in minutes and I am very grateful for the quick presence of mind that people showed. Being a victim, I realised it is so important for us to be cautious, get help from people around, be safe and get medication at the earliest before things get worse. I learnt a lot from the humanitarian aid and assistance that people showed at that time of the accident.

On the other hand, when I was a part of the public witnessing an accident – I was moved immensely. While waiting at a signal, I noticed two buses impatiently waiting to race against each other. Between them were a few motorists who were also waiting to get ahead. When the signal went green, one bus managed to get ahead, the motorists made their way but unfortunately one aged man riding his pulsar lost his balance and fell. The driver of the second bus had to wait till he could regain balance , instead he ran over his foot and bike that got stuck under the bus. It cut his foot badly and people screamed at the driver to stop. I just couldn’t see that state. My friend and I rushed to help him along with other motorists. His foot was bleeding profusely as it was cut , we gave him a shoulder to stand, called an auto quickly and by luck a traffic cop also around took him to the hospital. That bloodshed on the road shook my soul I felt. Thankfully it was his foot run over, if it was him it would’ve been so painful.

The attitude and spontaneity of the public, the promptness to help forgetting your own needs, giving support in any manner – be it helping him stand or putting a handkerchief around his leg to stop the bleeding or shouting out to get an auto to take him to hospital – all this happened in minutes and I learnt a lot from the kind hearted people during that time. Had the people been busy badmouthing the driver and not attending to this aged man, precious time to save him would’ve been lost. I was touched by how people (in both scenarios) did not think of their time, their needs, how the victim they were helping were related to them or not – they just selflessly came over and helped with everything they could.

For me personally too it hurts when I see someone meeting with an accident because of another’s mistakes, you are crying for help and people are just mute spectators to it. When I see a crowd around an accident victim and I’m just passing by , I feel the guilt of not being able to help but I pray that the people around him/her help them with the best so they are out of pain, get the right medical aid and get home safe. That victim could be someone’s son/daughter, husband/wife, brother/sister or even the sole breadwinner for their family.

As road accidents have increased, it is a warning to humanity to step up and take charge, be responsible, be a human first and spectators later. A real big lesson for us to learn to be responsibls, selfless and help, during the times when people prefer creating awareness by shooting videos of bleeding accident victims shouting for help rather than doing their bit of help themselves by taking them to the hospital. I am sure when we think of our own loved ones in this state, we definitely would not think of shooting videos of them crying for help, in blood and pain.

The act of kindness and quick presence of mind that people show is definitely worth a salute and learning for each of us. We don’t win a prize, earn cash rewards or be applauded at that moment for portraying this attitude but in your own eyes, you could definitely be a hero :). Saving a life in the nick of time is the key :).

We should really ensure to be careful by following the below rules –

a) Always carry your ID card or details with your house address, emergency contact number, blood group etc.

b) Always wear a helmet while riding and seatbelt while your driving.

c) When you witness an accident, please help the victim by calling the ambulance number – 1098 and the police at 100.

d) Under the influence of alcohol, please do not drive – you could risk your life or someone else’s life you never know.

Leave early, drive slowly and reach safely.

Be safe and be a responsible human first :).

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0 replies on “Road accidents – Your duty call to action!”

  • Tasneem
    September 8, 2018 at 8:33 am

    Really nice 😊

  • Gaurav Jain
    September 8, 2018 at 12:59 pm

    Well written… I am gonna ask you about your second accident too…
    In the article it would be nice if you could end with things people should do like..Always have an id that gives their blood group n near ones contract details.. Always wear helmet n seat belt… Never drive when under influence of drugs or alcohol…n lastly emergency number is 100 and 1098
    I can just imagine.. How horrifying it could be watch someone run over by a bus.. Gives me chills down the spine…
    Good work Zeba..I hope people read this and understand what’s important..

    • September 8, 2018 at 1:03 pm

      Thank you Gaurav for the compliment and pointers :). I can add the points for sure. True it’s very horrifying to see that happen. People should be really careful and it’s very important for us to ensure each one gets to reach their Destination safely.

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