The blogger should get a chance to have an ice breaker on her webpage. So here I am, adding my life story in my poetic way – that I had an opportunity to present at a platform. Enjoy the story 🙂 (PS – Your own life could be an inspiration too 😉 )

Ah! How excited I am to share with you my short life story,

Let’s do a little twist and bring in the complex science category.

Oops! Don’t worry, I won’t start a lecture that amplifies your pain,

Instead, I will present my life story portrayed to the butterfly lifechain.

The life of a butterfly has stages of just four,

I’m all geared up as I take you along these like a tour.

The first stage of birth was a real struggle of arrival,

Baby girl I was – not allowed to be born or live for survival.

Welcomed to the world by all, but faced rejection from dad,

He was adamant not to allow me home – that made us all sad.

Trying all ways to abandon or sell me off to a nurse or a businessman,

But my mother and brother struggled yet accepted me as a part of their clan.

Three months later, this egged me began to make way to my dad’s heart,

While I was left alone with him at home, my wailing and crying worked liked art.

He held me in his arms and regretted his heartless treatment to me,

Since then, there was no stopping to endless fatherly love and glee.

The next stage of caterpillar was definitely my childhood,

Never that slow – but in all fields at school I grew and outstood.

From studies to plays, from dance performances to debates,

My love for stage always put me on a high like roller skates.

During my teenage, words became my best of friends.

Writing my day account in diaries and attempting poetry became hot trends.

The 90s kid I was – indipop songs and TV shows were my favourite,

Playing Galli cricket and watching Shah Rukh Khan romance were quirky and ultimate.

Suddenly at the third stage of pupa, I rolled back to my cocoon.

My college life was all meek,clueless and crazy like a baboon.

From projects to golgappas to special classes – life had hit the point of saturation,

Looking for a silver lining, was hoping for a major transformation.

Then my final year – turned out a perfect timing for the best,

Finally I felt moving out of my cocoon with burning zest.

Gifted my family and myself a corporate job straight out of college,

Taking up responsibilities, came to me so easily I acknowledged.


My big final stage of butterfly set in with a big chance,

Life in New York it was through office – that definitely called for a dance.

For a girl, who’d never been to Mysore was 8000 miles apart,

She knew not that this trip was going to be life changing from the start.

Never was she away from her family, there she lived alone,

Homesick at first – she then embraced her little flat as home of her own.

Cooking food straight out of mom’s written recipes made her ecstatic,

Office to home,the evening tea, household chores – all done systematic.

She explored new places, capturing moments of her new found freedom,

Life’s best experiences like these are preciously rare and seldom.

Four months later back home she was all different in her tone,

Confident, independent, bold – totally out of her comfort zone.

The colours of multi tasking, handling home and office outshined her wings,

She treasures family,friends, relationships and finds joys in small things.

Life is not about age but living it worthy enough to share,

What you contribute to the world before you die, is all I really care.

I aim to touch lives in all ways to motivate and inspire,

It’s important to dedicate and get perfect to keep that burning fire.

I hope the wings of this butterfly flapped high on your minds,

I now draw curtains to my short story with imaginary blinds.

– Zeba Abdulla

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0 replies on “Ice breaker – The color of my wings!”

  • Tasneem
    October 7, 2018 at 2:13 pm


  • Gaurav Jain
    October 8, 2018 at 2:18 am

    Butterfly butterfly!!! Go fly high in sky!!!
    That’s the poet in me thinking of you.. Hehe…

    Well here’s some lines that reads out YOU … Written by Heather Reene..

    As love falls down from the sky,
    It lands on the wings of a butterfly.
    The butterfly sings it’s songs and rhymes,
    And flies through the air, No concept of time.
    It is the messenger of patience and change,
    From flower to flower, it’s odd and it’s strange.
    The butterfly can transform it’s world.
    And give way to new beginnings, unfurled,
    It is the keeper of transformation,
    And flies on faith and imagination.
    The butterfly as no fear of change,
    It bravely escapes it’s homemade cage.
    To change, it knows is necessary,
    For all the burdens we need not carry.
    The butterfly soars, and merrily sings,
    For, without change, it could never grow wings.

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